The story is about love displaced in time. Angelica and Rinaldo (nephew and appointed knight of Charlemagne) meet amidst a celebration and a jousting tournament. She arrives with her brother and without good intentions. Her extraordinary beauty captivates everyone. Rinaldo falls in love but she pays no attention. There is then a chase through the Arden forest where their affections get reversed.
"Now in this forest there were two fountains, the one constructed by the sage Merlin, who designed it for Tristram and the fair Isoude;* for such was the virtue of this fountain, that a draught of its waters produced an oblivion of the love which the drinker might feel, and even produced aversion for the object formerly beloved. The other fountain was endowed with exactly opposite qualities, and a draught of it inspired love for the first living object that was seen after tasting it."(1)
Exhausted from the chase Rinaldo drinks from the first-mentioned fountain and falls asleep. Angelica comes across the other fountain and drinks from it. She then encounters the sleeping Rinaldo and falls instantly in love. So the story goes and of course the chase is now reversed. Angelica will try anything to win the affection of Rinaldo who keeps running away from her.
Angelica has four main sections: A-B-C-A'. The A section depicts the jousting and the festivities through the syncopations and hemiolas of Latin American music, and the characteristic rhythms of dance forms such as salsa. The B section is a fugato, inspired by the use of counterpoint in Venezuelan folk music. It describes the chase for love through the forest. The C section is a slow and more introverted passage. A simple melody presented in the violins is then repeated with the cellos playing it canonically. The violins and cellos represent Angelica and Rinaldo in their out of sync love for each other. The last section is very much like the first one, but every time it repeats, a layer of complexity is added to it. As in love, it completes a cycle and expands into higher levels of intricacy.
Efraín Amaya
(1) Legends of Charlemagne. The Illustrated Bulfinch's Mythology. Macmillan. USA. Eddison Sadd Editions1997.